
Learn the best practices used in open source.

Solve challenges that require you to read open source code, pick up best practices and patterns, and write production-grade code.



Discover the powerful features that set our platform apart.


Best practices

These best practices are the advanced technical concepts handpicked from the open source. For example, practice how to use shadow DOM to avoid potential CSS breaks.

Explore best practices

Build from scratch

Learn to build popular open source projects like shadcn-ui/ui from scratch. Realistically, you will learn the fundamentals that can be used as a foundation to expand your knowledge.

Explore build from scratch

Production-grade projects

These projects are built, inspired from popular open source projects such as shadcn-ui/ui. Study these projects and write the code that is production-grade.

Explore production-grade projects

Key Features

Discover the powerful features that set our platform apart.


Clear project direction with steps

Each course has chapters and lessons. Each lesson comes with steps. These steps provide clear instructions to follow along.

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Get hands-on with challenges

Each step has its own challenges for you to complete. These challenges are provided with clear instructions on how to complete a challenge

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Check a solution

If a challenge is too difficult, there is a solution available.

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Save your progress

When you solve a challenge, you can mark that step as completed and move on to the next step. Complete all the steps in a lesson to move on to next lesson.

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Execute tests

Execute the tests to ensure the code you have written works as expected via our Github integration.

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